Nice content, keep me updated!

Whilst a lot of the world is pushing for division and separation, Together UK’s mission is to proactively inform and engage in debate on the benefits for all constituent parts of the United Kingdom to remain together. Officially founded in Belfast in 2022, they are a not-for-profit, non-party political organisation that launched with an all-female board of trustees, most notably of which is Baroness Arlene Foster.

We were approached by TogetherUK’s PR & Media specialist Sangeeta Waldron in need of a new brand identity, website and promotional collateral that would be used at the Private London launch in November 2022. 

When exploring the routes the brand could take with its logo and accompanying visuals, it was important for us to always refer to the themes of direction, dynamism and movement using arrows and angular shapes. The forms in the logo’s icon are abstract and represent the 4 regions that comprise the UK. The triangles have been purposefully created to point outwards and converge centrally together in one spot. Inspired loosely by tectonic plates, this idea of growth, movement and interaction helps point towards our core messaging. 

This method and repeated use of organic triangular shapes were carried across to the website design to create a harmonious and recognisable brand presence. 

We use the shapes to add depth and patterns to backgrounds, framing elements, and decoration, helping further communicate the brand ideas of growth, interaction and playfulness. Whilst also building trust and confidence over time that comes with repeated exposure and brand presence. 

As TogetherUK requires donations to the cause, we explored many different routes for accepting payment and whether they would be through the website or via 3rd-party software. The chosen route was to embed a form created inside “Donorbox” this allowed full autonomy and access from the client, safe in the knowledge that their payments are being dealt with a service built specifically for this purpose.  

Building the core site in WordPress also meant the site was flexible, adaptable and easy to edit. As TogetherUK Foundation hosts events and posts news all throughout the year, this editability feature was key. 

The London launch event was a resounding success, it brought cross-party support together to engage and debate, raise donations and cement the organisation as thought leaders in the space, spreading awareness and knowledge on the subject.  


If you would like to learn more about TogetherUK Foundation and their mission, visit their website at

You can also see more of Sangeeta and her new book “Corporate Social Responsibility is Not Public Relations” here

Whilst a lot of the world is pushing for division and separation, Together UK’s mission is to proactively inform and engage in debate on the benefits for all constituent parts of the United Kingdom to remain together. Officially founded in Belfast in 2022, they are a not-for-profit, non-party political organisation that launched with an all-female board of trustees, most notably of which is Baroness Arlene Foster.

We were approached by TogetherUK’s PR & Media specialist Sangeeta Waldron in need of a new brand identity, website and promotional collateral that would be used at the Private London launch in November 2022. 

When exploring the routes the brand could take with its logo and accompanying visuals, it was important for us to always refer to the themes of direction, dynamism and movement using arrows and angular shapes. The forms in the logo’s icon are abstract and represent the 4 regions that comprise the UK. The triangles have been purposefully created to point outwards and converge centrally together in one spot. Inspired loosely by tectonic plates, this idea of growth, movement and interaction helps point towards our core messaging. 

This method and repeated use of organic triangular shapes were carried across to the website design to create a harmonious and recognisable brand presence. 

We use the shapes to add depth and patterns to backgrounds, framing elements, and decoration, helping further communicate the brand ideas of growth, interaction and playfulness. Whilst also building trust and confidence over time that comes with repeated exposure and brand presence. 

As TogetherUK requires donations to the cause, we explored many different routes for accepting payment and whether they would be through the website or via 3rd-party software. The chosen route was to embed a form created inside “Donorbox” this allowed full autonomy and access from the client, safe in the knowledge that their payments are being dealt with a service built specifically for this purpose.  

Building the core site in WordPress also meant the site was flexible, adaptable and easy to edit. As TogetherUK Foundation hosts events and posts news all throughout the year, this editability feature was key. 

The London launch event was a resounding success, it brought cross-party support together to engage and debate, raise donations and cement the organisation as thought leaders in the space, spreading awareness and knowledge on the subject.  


If you would like to learn more about TogetherUK Foundation and their mission, visit their website at

You can also see more of Sangeeta and her new book “Corporate Social Responsibility is Not Public Relations” here

Nice content, keep me updated!

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